All UIC students and advisors are invited to a free Summer Session picnic on Saturday, April 16, 2016, sponsored by UIC Summer Session Office.
The women’s softball team and the men’s baseball team will be playing on campus that day, so come on out, enjoy a free burger or BBQ chicken and cheer on our Flames! If you are volunteering for UIC’s Day of Service that day, stop by and have lunch on us.
Student tickets: The only way students can get a ticket is from their college academic advisor. The Summer Session Office has provided tickets to the UIC academic advising units of colleges with undergraduate programs so that they can be given out to students. We recommend that tickets be handed out the week before the event (April 11-15).
Staff tickets: If you are an advisor in any capacity on campus, no ticket needed for the picnic. Just come! We’d love to have you join us. (FYI: bring your i-card for separate entry for two to the games).
Academic advising teams in colleges that have undergraduate programs will have the chance to win several Dell tables for their unit based on the percentage of students from their college who attend the event. See contest rules for details.
Students attending the picnic will also be able win prizes, including one Dell tablet.
DATE: Saturday, April 16, 2016
TIME: 12:30 – 2 p.m. (food & beverages served on a first-come, first-served basis)
LOCATION: UIC Curtis Granderson Stadium & UIC Flames Field